New GNT 2015

Every year, the date with new match season brings a lot of work at Trabucco team, with thousands of ideas coming on the drawing board and so much excitement about expected performances. On production side, Reglass grants full quality with advanced materials and his own technology to convert them into fantastic poles, while all practical solution and package building come from the daily use and from the endless research of Trabucco company. There is a huge distance between the most sophisticated carbon blank and a real pole to fish with, and the gap can be filled only through technical knowledge, direct experiences and a lot of brainpower to convert such assets into something to crave.
GNT 955 Match One 
The new top of the range GNT 955 is the melting point between the highest technology and the strong wish to amaze the most demanding user with thousands of options. Read more...
GNT 755 Match Carp 
Produced in Italy by Reglass, this new pole is perfectly integrated with GNT 955, as it accepts same kits and the exchange of all sections. Read more...
GNT 845 XTR Match
With this new pole, many goals have been hit at the same time: technical and economical inputs got together to form a tough target, but, at the end of the development process, all those who field tested it agreed that the job has been greatly done. Read more...
GNT 745 XTR Carp
It’s the “bad sister” of GNT845, structured to bear any sort of load and stress, but, at the same time, balanced and easy to use thanks to the employment of high modulus carbon and nano resins which evenly disperse between carbon layers, even if used in a very limited amount. Read more...