Energhia XR Match

Despite the Energhia Match rods already occupied the highest step of the quality podium, today they belong to a different planet, thanks to the Twist Free and X-Joint technologies, capable of transfiguring the blank’s reactivity to any load and stress. In action, their compliance to user’s impulses is incomparable, while an explosive force starts from the heart of butt section to drive the power to the middle section.
Energhia XR Supreme Match - Match rod which draws a classic semi-parabolic action, but that Twist Free technology makes incomparable to any other model of previous generations. In fact, if that is the behaviour in the fight with a big fish, the attitude of the blank is different during the cast, which makes it perform and feel like a knife, so it is devoid of skids. The contribution of the X-Joint technology is neatly perceivable in terms of damping of the residual oscillations, a factor that affects the output speed of the line. Overall, they gain the casting precision and its consistency, that is the replicability of accurate casts, so important in the match circuit. The tool is dedicated to fishing at distances up to 40 meters, classic of medium-width canals and commercial lakes.
Code | Length | C.Length | Wt. | Sections | C.W. |
153-31-420 |
4.20 m | 144 cm | 175 g | 3 | 5-20 g |
Energhia XR Dynamic Match - A moderne range of match rods cannot be said to be complete if it does not include a tool capable of pushing the waggler between 60 and 80 meters range, where it is not enough to arrive, but it is necessary to arrive accurately and then strike effectively. With the XR Energy the promises coincide with the results and go even further, considering the ratio between reactivity and slimness of the blank, which is only achievable through the cross-weaving of the carbon layers. Such technology, which we have christened with Twist Free name, cancels the torsion inside the blank, so as to release 100% of the energy impressed in the cast. The length of 4,50 meters offers a certain lever, while the rod remains very light.
Code | Length | C.Length | Wt. | Sections | C.W. |
153-32-420 |
4.20 m | 144 cm | 190 g | 3 | 8-22 g |
153-32-450 | 4.50 m | 155 cm | 200 g | 3 | 8-22 g |
Energhia XR Energy Match - Una linea completa di canne inglesi non può dirsi tale se non include un attrezzo in grado di spingere il waggler nella fascia compresa fra i 60 e gli 80 metri, dove non basta arrivare, ma è necessario arrivare con precisione e poi ferrare con efficacia. Con la XR Energy le promesse coincidono con i risultati e vanno oltre, se si considera il rapporto fra reattività e magrezza del fusto, possibile solo con la tessitura incrociata degli strati di carbonio. Quella tecnologia, che abbiamo battezzato con il nome Twist Free, annulla la torsione all’interno del grezzo, in maniera da rilasciare il 100% dell’energia impressa nel lancio. La lunghezza di 4,50 metri offre una certa leva, mentre la canna rimane leggerissima.
Code | Length | C.Length | Wt. | Sections | C.W. |
153-33-450 |
4.50 m | 155 cm | 200 g | 3 | 8-25 g |
Twist Free is the special carbon technology which arranges the outer layers at 45° and 135°. Its function is to contrast the torque occurring in the cast, raising blank’s resistance while improving both casting accuracy and distance. The high precision spigot joints are preceded and followed by 45° crossed carbon sheets, designed to perfectly match the curves of the two elements, dampening the oscillations and increasing the resistance at that critical points. The Fuji original screw reel seat is nicely set between the high-density EVA front grip and natural cork handle. The butt grip is made from EVA, and ends with an excellent rubber knob. All Energhia XR fit match SiC guides offering exceptional properties of friction reduction and heat dispersion. The butt ring is a double leg model, while all the others are single legs, with anti-vibration “Y” frame.